Objectives of the project

The main objective of the project is to carry out a widespread intervention to fight, slow down and reverse the decline of species and habitats of community interest being caused by invasive species in the Natura 2000 area “Banyoles Lake”. This is being done by controlling invasive species and strengthening the populations of native species (Emys orbicularis, Barbus meridionalis and Unio elongatulus).

Other more specific objectives are:

Control of invasive aquatic flora and fauna. To put in place a set of protocols to mount an effective and sustainable fight against invasive alien species of the following biological groups: fish, reptiles (turtles) and plants.
Direct recovery of the populations of 4 species of community interest that are in a critical situation in the ZEC area: the Mountain Barbel (Barbus meridionalis), freshwater mussels (Unio elongatulus), the european pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) and the mediterranean pond turtle (Mauremys leprosa). The return to the lake of specimens of pond turtles and of freshwater mussels that have been bred in captivity, and of mountain barbels from populations in nearby rivers that are in a better state of conservation. For this re-population the creation of a temporary experimental laboratory is planned for the breeding of freshwater mussels.
Control of exotic flora and the restoration of the quality and/or extension of alluvial and lacustrine plant habitats (Habitat codes: 3140, 3150, 7210*, 6420, 92A0, 91E0*, 3290: waterside woods, wet meadows, mansegars, temporary environments, …).
The indirect restoration of populations of macroinvertebrates, amphibians and birds of community interest, especially through the control of invasive species.
Preparation and approval of a habitat and species management plan.
Carrying out a project with a clear demonstration value and pilot that can be used for the management of habitats and species of similar zones in Natura 2000.
Inform the local and visiting populations of the value of the area and its raised profile thanks to the conservation of the natural heritage.