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Xarxa Natura 2000 i Life Nature
Logos Institucions Natura 2000 Ramsar Convention
on Wetlands Ajuntament de Banyoles Ajuntament de PorqueresDiputació de GironaGeneralitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi NaturalEuropean Commission - Environment - LIFE Programme

Organisational Chart

The Consortium has the following organs of government and management:

Plenary Council: it is the Consortium's supreme organ of deliberation and decision-making. It is comprised of four members of every town or city council, the mayor and three councillors and two members of every supramunicipal administration or organisation that is part of the Consortium.

President, first vice president and second vice president: the presidency is held, alternatively and on a four-year rotation basis, by the mayors of the town and city councils of the Consortium. The first vice president is the mayor of the town or city council of the Consortium that will provide the president in the following period. The second vice president is a member of the County Council of Girona.

Executive Commission: the permanent organ of administration, management and proposal. Comprised of the president of the Consortium, the first vice president and a member of each institution in the Consortium, which are members of the Plenary Council.

Director: the person who, acting in accordance with the guidelines of the Plenary Council and reporting to the Executive Commission, is responsible for the general management of the Consortium and the coordination of its services. An assistant director has also been appointed.

Consultative Council: constituted as an organ of consultation, participation and information in the specific matters of the sphere of action of the Consortium. The organ of integration of the scientific, social and professional sectors of the territory.

Secretary – comptroller: the person who attends, with the right to be heard but not to vote, the meetings of the Plenary Council and the executive commissions, and who writes up the minutes. He or she is also in charge of economic management and any formalities involved in expenses and income procedures in accordance with the approved budget and its implementation instructions.

Personnel: this falls to the technical team which is part of the staff approved by the Plenary Council.

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